I was in the mood for a good, old-fashioned bodice ripper. I chose a novel by Iris Johansen because she is a classic romance author. Lots of steamy love scenes, inner turmoil, and sexy leading men.
From Amazon: A princess and a warrior-chief are swept from the glittering courts of Elizabethan England to the storm-tossed cliffs of the Scottish Highlands, in an engrossing tale of peril and desire.
So I ended up with Influenza B and was bed bound and ill for the better part of a week. Because I didn't feel well, I wasn't really into the whole reading scene and picked this book up only when the meds I was taking had kicked in and I was comfortable enough to sit still. I wanted to love this book, and I might have, had the main heroine and love interest not been 16 years old. Creepy. So mostly for that reason I give "The Magnificent Rogue" a C.
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